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8 Free Text-to-Image Generators: Explore the Future of Creativity

Streamline your workflow with the top 8 free text-to-image generators. Learn how to choose the best tool and discover expert tips to use them like a pro. Tailor stunning masterpieces from text in seconds with Dreamina. No extra effort is required!

*No credit card required

free text to image generator
0 min(s)

Say goodbye to tired hours brainstorming ideas and designing them for social pics! Free text-to-image generators come to rescue you in seconds. Whether you are a marketer who wants to save time crafting stunning visual aids or a content creator who desires to generate appealing thumbnails or banners for new videos, these AI text-to-image generators make all your dreams come true. Discover the top 8 free text-to-image generators below to elevate your engaging creative production journey! Let's get started and ignite your creativity!

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8 free text-to-image generators to visualize your vision

1. Dreamina

Dreamina is a feature-packed AI text-to-image generator that allows you to generate unique and tailor-made visuals from simple text prompts for free. Enjoy one-click image generation from text. No extra effort is needed. Custom photo settings and diverse art models at this magical creator allow you to tailor professional-sharing images for diverse case uses. Optimize your generated images with AI enhancers like upscaling, retouching, or inpainting for imperfect, high-quality designs. Dreamina is here to streamline the creative design process for busy marketers, professional graphics designers, or even inexperienced content creators who want to explore a new realm of creativity. Bring all your mere ideas into stunning and social-ready images in seconds!

Dreamina - AI text-to-image generator

Turn text into image in 3 easy steps:

No prior experience with AI text-to-image generation? No problem at all. Simply click the button below to sign up for your Dreamina account and start creating stunning images effortlessly.

*No credit card required
  1. Enter text prompts
  2. At the main interface, click the "Text/Image to image" button to be directed to the main generating image tab. Write down your text prompts in detail. For example, insert the comprehensive prompt: "Create a girl anime character. Stand in a landscape setting. Lovely vibe. Cartoon style." for a girl animation pic. You can also add reference images to let the AI understand your needs better.
    Write down your text prompts
  4. Step
  5. Select the type and generate
  6. Continue by adjusting your image settings. Pick your favorite art model with up to 4 options. Tailor your photo with your chosen aspect ratio and quality for enhanced and social-ready outputs. You can also customize your design size to fit your needs. Make everything ready, and select "Generate."
    Generate your image
  8. Step
  9. Customize and export

Preview all the magical and stunning pictures this free text-to-image generator brings. Click on your favorite artwork for customization. Choose "Upscale" to turn your image into an HD version in seconds. Click "Retouch" to polish any imperfect details in your generated photo. If you want to tailor a specific part of your image, select "Inpaint," brush over the area you want to improve and redesign your prompt for this part. To add a personal touch to your design with typography or elements, head to the "Edit on canvas" button.

Edit your photo

When you finish your generated photo, choose the "Export" option and customize your design export settings for ready sharing. You are all set with your tailor-made and visually appealing pictures.

Export your photo

Key features

  • Style transformation from images
  • Transform your profile picture, landscape shot, or any image into brand-new styled artwork. Effortlessly apply different artistic styles to create unique and visually captivating images.
  • A treasure trove of well-written prompts
  • Be it your first time tailoring a text-to-image prompt. Optimize massive collections of inspiring and creative prompts for reference on the "Explore" page.
  • Advanced editing features
  • Bring your photo to the next level with AI-enhanced tools. Remove any imperfect parts with the "Retouch" tool, transform your design to a 4K HD level through the "Upscale" feature, and even redesign a detail in your work with the "Inpaint" tool.
  • Multi-layered canvas
  • Include branding elements or a personal signature to your AI-generated images with this multi-layer editing canvas. Dreamina offers feature-packed space to add text and graphics or remove image backgrounds.
  • Cloud asset for storage
  • Store all your AI-generated photos at this reliable and free text image creator. This trusted cloud space allows you to access and refine your work anywhere and anytime.

2. Picsart

Picsart is also a powerful free text-to-image generator for stunning and attention-grabbing photos. This tool offers you a streamlined workflow for crafting ideal designs. Insert your text prompts and wait for the magic to come. No need to upload any photos or customize each element in your designs. Explore a boundless space for content creation and creativity in this all-in-one text-to-image generator.

Generate AI images from text at Picsart

Key features

  • Offer a variety of creative filters and effects that can be applied to the generated images, allowing users to customize and enhance their visuals according to their preferences.
  • Integrated into Picsart's Editing Suite, giving users access to a wide range of additional editing tools.
  • Designed with an intuitive and accessible interface, it is easy to use for users of all experience levels.
  • Choose from various styles to influence the look and feel of their generated images, providing flexibility in how the final visuals appear.

  • Fast and streamlined process for text-to-image generation
  • Applicable for massive art concepts and styles
  • High-quality outputs for professional sharing

  • Diverse pricing plans to access all editing features
  • Limited 100MB cloud space for image generation in the free account

3. Bing Image Creator

If you are looking for a friendly and accessible free text-to-image generator, Bing Image Creator is a recommended option. This magical editor generates appealing images in one click by inserting text prompts. Inspire and tailor your prompts for effective generation by looking at creative works in this vibrant community. You can also provide feedback on any parts you do not like with this editor directly in the generating tab.

Generate AI images from text at Bing Image Creator

Key features

  • Utilize advanced AI algorithms, enabling users to generate high-quality images based on text prompts.
  • Well-tailored image prompts and creative art pieces for reference.
  • It can be accessed on different devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones, providing flexibility for users to create images on the go.
  • Integrated with Bing Search, allowing users to quickly find and generate images related to specific keywords or topics.

  • Time-saving and accessible solution for AI-powered image generation
  • Supportive community for image generation

  • Limited credits for AI image generation daily
  • No ready-to-use custom features to personalize your artwork

4. Leonardo AI

Enjoy making high-quality and tailor-made photos from simple text prompts at this powerful editor - Leonardo AI. This AI-tailored space provides a comprehensive toolset for perfectly capturing each part of your images. From AI image generation to a one-click process and real-time canvas for customization to universal upscale to bring your image quality to the next level, everything is covered for your next attention-grabbing masterpieces.

Generate AI images from text at Leonardo AI

Key features

  • Use state-of-the-art AI and machine learning algorithms to generate detailed and high-quality images from text prompts.
  • Offer a wide range of artistic styles and genres, allowing users to customize their images to fit specific aesthetic preferences.
  • Produce high-resolution images suitable for professional use.
  • Users can fine-tune various parameters, such as color, lighting, and composition, to achieve the desired look and feel for their images.

  • One-click and fast process for text-to-image generation
  • Huge space for customization and personalization
  • Real-time editing ability

  • Subscription fees to access all AI-powered features
  • Watermark-included photo when using the basic account

5. Recraft AI

Recraft AI is also popular if you want to find a streamlined and intuitive free text image maker. Create diverse types of AI-powered works in seconds at this editor, from uniform banners to artistic designs for gallery showcases. All your needs are covered through diverse tools in this editor. Feel free to fine-tune your AI-generated artwork with this editor's custom features, elements, and graphics.

Generate AI images from text at Recraft AI

Key features

  • The tool quickly processes text prompts and generates images, allowing users to produce multiple visuals in a short amount of time.
  • Feature a community gallery where users can explore and get inspiration from other users' creations.
  • Recraft AI is designed with an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, making it accessible to all.
  • Offer a broad range of artistic styles, from realistic to abstract, allowing users to customize images to match their desired aesthetic.

  • Feature-packed interface for professional uses
  • The lightning-fast process to generate AI-powered images
  • Applicable abilities for different kinds of art styles

  • Pricing plans for all AI-advanced features
  • Limited requests for AI image generation for the basic plan

6. Freepik AI image generator

Another trusted, free text-to-image generator you can try is the Freepik AI image generator. Ready to get massive collections of high-quality generated images from this powerful editor? This image creator offers you diverse art styles, crafting multi-stylized artworks for marketing, social campaigns, or even education. All your needs are made possible with this streamlined tool.

Generate AI images from text at Freepik AI image generator

Key features

  • Integrated with Freepik's vast library of design assets, providing users access to a wide range of templates, vectors, and stock images to enhance their AI-generated visuals.
  • Generate high-resolution images suitable for professional use, ensuring that the visuals meet quality standards.
  • Users can fine-tune generated images by adjusting various design elements, such as colors, styles, and layouts.
  • Seamlessly integrates with other Freepik tools, such as the online editor, making it easier to refine and finalize images within the same ecosystem.

  • Versatility in models and presets for diverse case uses
  • Fast and intuitive editing process
  • Various generated options for choosing

  • Pricing plans for unlimited feature access
  • Daily limits for AI image generation with the free plan

7. Clipdrop

Clipdrop is a comprehensive content creation hub with tailor-made features and tools. One of the most striking tools at this hub is AI image generation. Powered by top-notch technology, this editor allows you to create stunning pictures from text prompts in seconds. Enjoy various art styles for diverse case uses, including 3D, anime, digital, and pixel art.

Generate AI images from text at Clipdrop

Key features

  • The inpainting feature allows users to remove, replace, or modify specific parts of an image seamlessly.
  • Include a powerful background removal tool, enabling users to isolate subjects and create clean, transparent backgrounds effortlessly.
  • Produce high-quality, high-resolution images, suitable for a wide range of applications.
  • Integrated with popular design tools like Adobe Photoshop and Figma.
  • Users can fine-tune generated images by adjusting parameters such as style, color, and composition.

  • Powerful and fast image generation journey
  • Can be applied to diverse art styles and concepts
  • Comprehensive prompt tailoring for effective generation

  • Subscription fees for accessing all AI-tailored features
  • Watermark-included download for the free version

8. BlueWillow

The last name that needs to be mentioned when thinking of a free image generator from text is BlueWillow. Magical AI powers this editor to streamline your workflow by creating stunning photos in one click from the text. No limits to your creativity at this editor. Enjoy crafting viral-worthy digital art photos, character designs, or branding logos. BlueWillow has all your needs covered!

Generate AI images from text at BlueWillow

Key features

  • Offer a wide range of styles and artistic themes, enabling users to tailor their images according to specific aesthetic preferences.
  • Produce images with high resolution and rich detail, suitable for use in professional projects, marketing materials, social media, and more.
  • BlueWillow supports a community-driven approach, allowing users to share their creations, gather feedback, and collaborate on projects.
  • The AI system is optimized for speed, allowing users to quickly generate images from text prompts.

  • Fast and intuitive generation process
  • Applicable for various industry needs
  • Personalization space for editing your photos

  • Subscription plans for accessing all pro features
  • Limited credits for AI image generation every day

How to choose the best free text-to-image generator

As various free text-to-image generators are available on the Internet, you must learn how to pick the best option for your use. Follow some criteria below to find the most matching tool to serve your engaging content production journey:

  • How it works
  • Consider the AI technology that this tool uses. The best free text image generator should have advanced AI models with recently updated versions. Pay attention to the development of your chosen AI model to streamline your workflow.
  • Visual impact
  • To find the best option, generate several images using potential tools. You can check some options relating to image quality, aspect ratios, or preciseness in conveying what you want in the image.
  • User-friendly
  • For those with little experience in using AI tools to generate images from texts, pick a user-friendly and intuitive editor to lend you a hand. One recommended thing for you is to choose a tool with streamlined and little steps for generations like Dreamina to save you time and effort.
  • Personalize your creations
  • Explore your chosen tool's custom features and AI enhancers to evaluate their impacts. The best generator should give you diverse customization options in terms of settings and elements.
  • Scalability and speed
  • Check whether or not your chosen AI text-to-image generator provides results quickly or slowly. Pick a fast and streamlined tool for your diverse uses. Otherwise, you may need to wait long hours to generate a simple photo for your branding campaigns.

Tips for using free text image creator like a pro

Besides picking the best free generator to transform your ideas into life, know some tips to optimize the use of these tools better. Feel ready to create magical and stunning photos like a pro, even if this is your first time, with the must-know tips below. Let’s dive in together:

  • Understand the basics
  • Before generating your AI-powered pictures, you should understand some simple aspects of your editor. For example, how do you use this tool, or what features are incorporated into your AI image creator? Make sure you are well-equipped with these fundamental concepts.
  • Experiment freely
  • Practice, practice, and practice. This is the greatest way to learn how to optimize your AI tool for stunning and tailor-made photos. Feel free to explore all features and styles in your image generator to make a perfect and viral-worthy masterpiece for your next projects.
  • Start with high-quality inputs
  • Pay attention to your text prompts for image generation. Clearly define your subject for editing and write detailed descriptions of your ideas to let the tool understand your preferences better. You can also pick a magical creator, like Dreamina, to let you upload more materials like photos for reference and effective generation.
  • Learn from others
  • Spend time learning artworks and text prompts from others. This is an ideal way to improve and fine-tune your photos. For example, inspire your designs with massive collections of text prompts and creative photo patterns from other editors on the "Explore" page at Dreamina.


There are various free text-to-image generators that you can choose to bring all your ideas to life. Consider some factors relating to the technology, visual impact, personalization space, and speed to pick the best tool for your free use. Optimize your chosen weapon by understanding basic components, tailoring your prompt effectively, and even learning from others. If you are looking for a life-changer to streamline all your image design tasks with an intuitive interface and custom features, Dreamina is your recommended choice. All in a minute, turn your ideas into style-diverse and stunning photos—no extra effort required. Feel free to level up your photo with AI-enhancers for perfect-quality pictures. Go viral with magical masterpieces from Dreamina in one click!


  1. What is the best free text-to-image generator?
  2. The answer depends on your specific demands. For example, if you are an inexperienced content creator, choose a beginner-friendly and ready-to-use generator like Dreamina. Enjoy a three-step solution to bring all your ideas into creative works. Simplify your workload with diverse features, such as adjusting aspect ratios for professional-sharing pics or upscaling for 4K outputs. All are available for your ready use. No prior experience is required!
  3. Why use an image generator from text?
  4. An AI-powered text-to-image generator helps you craft stunning photos in diverse styles without enormous effort or time. This is a perfect supporter for busy content creators or inexperienced designers. Save your time and resources by choosing an all-in-one AI-tailored creator like Dreamina. High-quality and visually appealing AI-generated photos are waiting for you in seconds.
  5. How can you use a text-to-image generator free?
  6. It depends on your chosen tool. For example, if you go to Dreamina to create AI-generated photos, you are ready to make visually attractive and viral masterpieces in three steps. Write your text prompts. Customize your settings. Export for sharing. Everything is done within minutes. No extra waits or efforts are required.
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*No credit card required

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