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How to Improve Image Quality: Check out the 3 Easy Methods

Discover how to easily improve image quality using 3 AI tools step by step. Learn how to enhance clarity, boost resolution, and fix imperfections with AI. Try top methods like Dreamina and elevate your photos with ease.

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Improve image quality
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A handy tool to improve image quality is now more critical than ever, whether for personal memories or professional projects. But the good thing is you no longer have to undergo a long learning curve or spend a ton of money to get your photos enhanced in this AI age. In this article, we'll show you three tools you can use today to improve image quality effortlessly and get professional-level results with just a few clicks.

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How to improve image quality with an advanced AI tool

Dreamina is an advanced AI editor that helps improve image quality online with ease. You can use it to sharpen blurry photos, enhance colors, or restore old images in just a few clicks, like fixing a vacation photo that didn’t turn out clear or improving the clarity of images for your online store. In both cases, Dreamina’s AI handles the work effortlessly, making it ideal for photographers, content creators, and anyone wanting to improve images online quickly.

Dreamina's homepage

Learn to improve image quality with Dreamina

Now, you know Dreamina can be used to improve the quality of images quickly. Let's start by tapping the button below:

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  1. Upload your image
  2. Open your preferred browser and visit Dreamina's website. On the homepage, click on "Canvas."
    The Canvas button on Dreamina
  4. Next, click "Upload image" and select the image you want to enhance.
    The "Upload image" button on Dreamina
  6. Step
  7. Enhance quality
  8. With the image uploaded, it's now time to enhance it. The first tool you can work with is Dreamina's "Retouch" tool. This tool can be used to fix imperfections, smooth out skin in portraits, remove blemishes, and improve overall clarity. To use it, click the Retouch button and let the AI do the rest.
    The "Retouch" button on Dreamina
  10. And if you want to boost the resolution of your image without losing quality, Dreamina's "HD Upscale" tool is perfect. It sharpens low-resolution photos or prepares them for larger prints or displays. To use this tool, simply click on "HD Upscale" to increase the resolution.
    The "HD Upscale" button on Dreamina
  12. Step
  13. Download
  14. Once you are done enhancing your photo and ready to save it, click the "Export" button. Next, adjust your export settings - choose the file type (JPEG or PNG), size, and export option. Once you finish that, click "Download," and the image will be saved to your device.
    The "Export" button on Dreamina

Key features

  • Robust inpainting
  • You can add new elements or repair damaged sections of your photos using Dreamina’s Inpaint tool. The AI fills in space naturally, ensuring it blends well with the surrounding elements.
  • Smart remover
  • This tool allows you to remove distracting objects or people from your images with a single click. It intelligently removes the selected part while maintaining the natural flow of the background.
  • One-click remove background
  • Instantly separate the subject from its background with just one click. Perfect for creating transparent backgrounds, cutouts, or isolating elements for further editing.
  • Image-to-image generation
  • Upload an image, and the AI generates images in new versions or artistic styles based on the original.
  • Add text overlays freely
  • Easily place and customize text on your images, adjusting the font, size, and style (including AI Text effects) to suit your design.

How to improve the clarity of images with a tailored tool is a specialized AI tool designed to improve clarity of images by increasing resolution while preserving quality. It's perfect for making blurry or low-resolution photos look sharp and professional. homepage

Guide to

  1. Upload your image
  2. Visit website and click on the "Upload Image" button on the homepage. Next, select the photo you want to enhance, and it will be uploaded to the platform for processing.
    The "Upload Image " button on
  4. Step
  5. Enhance quality
  6. Once you upload your photo, will automatically upscale the image. By default, it upscales photos to 2x, but if you want something bigger, then you can upscale them up to 8x, the original size.
    The upscale options on
  8. Also, it only upscales the image on the first try, but if you want to enhance it as well with AI, then you have to toggle the "Enhance Quality" On.
    The "Enhance Quality" toggle on
  10. Step
  11. Download
  12. After enhancing the image, click the “Download Image” button to save your high-resolution photo.
    The "Download Image" button on

How to improve picture quality with an all-in-one editor

Picsart is an all-in-one image editor that lets you easily enhance picture quality, add effects, and customize your photos. Whether you want to brighten a dark image, sharpen a blurry photo, or apply creative filters, Picsart has everything you need to make your pictures stand out.

Picsart homepage

Guide to Picsarts

  1. Upload your image
  2. Visit the Picsart website and click on “Start creating” or "Login" if you already have an account. After signing in, click on "Upload" and select the photo you want to enhance.
    The "Upload" button on Picsart
  4. Step
  5. Enhance quality
  6. With the image uploaded, click on "Edit" then "AI Enhance."
    Click on "AI Enhance"
  8. The AI will automatically work on your image to produce an enhanced image. The AI will fix details, reduce blur, add pixels, and improve resolution. Once it's done enhancing it, you can adjust the slider to the right or left on the enhanced photo to compare the original photo with the enhanced one. If you are satisfied with the edit, click on "Apply."
    The "Apply" button on Picsart
  10. Step
  11. Download
  12. Once you're happy with the results, click “Export” to download your enhanced image. Choose the file type and adjust the slider to choose file size. You can also Upscale the image to 2x or 4x the original size.
    The "Export" button on Picsart

Key elements: What makes a good-quality image

A stunning or captivating image isn't just about one aspect but a perfect harmony of several crucial elements. Knowing these key elements will help you get the most out of your image enhancement efforts:

1. Clarity

Have you ever looked at a photo and felt like you needed to squint your eyes in order to make out the details? If you have, then you were dealing with a clarity problem. A clear image is sharp and well defined - so when enhancing your photos, ensure that the enhanced photo is clear enough or well-defined.

2. Color correction and vibrancy

Colors can greatly change the mood of an image. If the colors are off or appear dull, the entire image loses its impact. Color correction ensures that the hues are balanced and natural, while vibrancy brings the image to life. A vibrant photo looks more appealing and captures attention instantly, making it an essential element of a quality image.

3. Detail restoration

Sometimes, the fine details in a photo can get lost due to poor lighting, camera shake, or low quality. Detail restoration brings those hidden elements back, whether it’s the texture of the fabric, the fine lines in a portrait, or subtle background details. It’s these small things that can take a photo from good to great, making it look more refined and professional.

4. Noise reduction

Digital noise can make even a well-composed image look unpolished and grainy, especially in low-light settings. Reducing noise helps smooth out those unwanted grains, giving your image a cleaner and more professional appearance. A photo free of noise looks much clearer and visually pleasing.

5. Resolution upscaling

Resolution is all about the number of pixels in an image. The higher the resolution of an image, the sharper and clearer it'll be, especially when zoomed in or displayed on larger screens. AI improves image quality by upscaling, making sure your image retains its quality even when enlarged, without looking pixelated or blurry.


Early on in this article, we established that being able to improve image quality is now easier today because of the rise of AI-powered tools. Throughout this article, we explored how Dreamina,, and Picsart can help you enhance your images effortlessly. Of the three, Dreamina stands out for its advanced AI capabilities, offering a wide range of editing options for all users of all levels. With Dreamina, you can easily and quickly fix blurry photos, upscale resolution, or even add creative effects. Give Dreamina a try today and experience the magic of AI-powered image enhancement.


  1. How can I make a blurry picture clear?
  2. Blurry pictures are often caused by poor focus or camera shake, but you can easily fix this with Dreamina. Dreamina’s AI-powered "Retouch" tool enhances clarity, sharpens images, and smooths out imperfections with just a few clicks. Give Dreamina a try today and transform your blurry photos into crisp, clear memories!
  3. How to improve image quality online for free?
  4. While there are free online tools available, many have limitations in terms of features or the quality of results. For professional-grade image enhancement, consider using Dreamina. Dreamina allows you to experience its powerful AI-driven image improvement capabilities for free. Why settle for less when you can see what Dreamina can do for your images? Start using Dreamina for free today.
  5. Can AI improve photo quality?
  6. Yes, AI can significantly improve photo quality by automatically detecting and correcting issues like blur, poor lighting, or low resolution. Dreamina excels in this area, offering smart enhancements like Retouch and Inpaint that bring your photos to life with precision and clarity. Curious about what AI can do for your photos? Experience the power of AI with Dreamina – try it now!
  7. How to increase the resolution of an image?
  8. To increase the resolution of an image without losing quality, you need a tool that uses advanced upscaling techniques. Dreamina offers an AI-powered HD Upscale feature that can intelligently increase image resolution while maintaining and even enhancing image quality. Want to turn your low-res images into high-resolution masterpieces? Try Dreamina’s upscale tool today and see the difference it makes in your photos!
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