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AI Expand Image: Extend Your Photos & Creative Horizons with AI

Unlock creative image expansion with AI! Use Dreamina’s advanced AI to expand your photos and transform your visuals. Learn how to use AI to expand images while preserving quality and style. Try it for free and elevate your photos today.

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AI expand image
0 min(s)

Ever wished you could make your photos bigger without losing quality? AI expand image tools can do just that! These clever programs use artificial intelligence to stretch your pictures in ways you never thought possible. In this guide, we'll show you how to use AI to expand your images quickly and easily, opening up a whole new world of creative options for your photos.

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What is AI image expansion

AI image expansion (also known as outpainting) is simply using artificial intelligence (AI) to add new content around an existing image by expanding its boundaries while maintaining the original style. AI photo expansion is a way to create a larger picture without having to stretch the original photo, unlike resizing, which changes the photo's dimension and can likely distort it.

How to use an AI image expander

Dreamina is a versatile AI editor that allows users to quickly and easily extend images by adding new elements to the original image while preserving its look, style, and quality. Whether for landscape images, architecture, or design sketches, Dreamina helps you create a broader landscape, add context to the building, and include more surprising elements in your designs.

AI image expander Dreamina

How to expand images with Dreamina

Ready to expand your images with Dreamina? Click the button below, sign up for free, and take your editing to the next level!

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  1. Upload your image
  2. Visit Dreamina's website; on the homepage, click on "Canvas."
    The "Canvas" button on Dreamina
  4. Next, upload the picture you want to expand. To do that, click on "Upload image," then select the picture from your device. Warm note: The image should have a maximum file size of 10 MB. If it's above 10 MB, you must compress it before uploading.
    The "Upload image" button in Canvas
  6. Step
  7. Use AI expander
  8. After uploading the picture, it's time to expand it. To expand it, simply click on the image (if it's not already highlighted) and then click on "Expand."
    The "Expand" tool in Dreamina's Canvas
  10. For example, we'll be making it 2x the size of the original image. For added context, you can choose to include a prompt. For this example, we'll use "lush forest, sunlight filtering through leaves, distant trees, additional branches, soft morning light, scattered autumn leaves." Finally, click on "Expand."
    Adjust your expansion preference, input a prompt, and click "Expand"
  12. Step
  13. Refine & download
  14. Once the AI is done expanding your image, you can further enhance the expansion by using Dreamina's Upscale tool to improve the quality of the expanded image. Also, you can use the inpaint tool to add additional elements, like flowers on the branch or other birds, to the expanded image.
    The "Inpaint" and "Retouch" tools in Dreamina's Canvas

Once you are satisfied with your edit, click on the export button to save your expanded image.

Where to find the "Export" button in Dreamina

Where AI image expansion is widely applied

AI picture expansion technology has found its way into various fields, changing the way we create and interact with visual content. Through this technology, users can now create seamless background extensions, restore old footage, and much more. Here are a few examples of AI expansion in different areas:

1. Social media posts

Social media influencers and brands now use image expansion AI tools to create eye-catching, high-quality content. With AI tools like Dreamina, they can create posters with AI, extend backgrounds, add new elements, or even transform landscape photos into portraits without losing quality. This makes using a single image on different platforms easy, meeting each platform's requirements (regarding the aspect ratio).

2. Gaming

Game developers are using this technology to enhance graphics, create expansive environments, and restore old game footage. It helps developers bring classic games back to life with improved visuals, thereby making the gaming experience for players feel more immersive.

3. E-commerce

Online retailers are using AI image expansion to showcase products in various settings without the need for multiple photo shoots. From a single photo, they can easily change backgrounds, resize images for different displays, or even create 360-degree views of their products.

4. Architecture & real estate

Architects and real estate agents are using this technology to visualize properties and designs. They can expand floor plans, create virtual staging for empty rooms, or even show how a property might look in different seasons or times of day. This level of detailing makes buyers feel more confident in their decision and better envision living in the space.

5. Journalism

In the world of news and reporting, AI image expansion helps to restore and enhance historical footage, create more detailed infographics, and even fill in missing parts of damaged photographs to bring stories to life.

Bonus tips: Expend images with a better effect

Now that we've explored the use of AI to expand image in different fields, let's dive into some practical tips to help you get the most out of this technology. These tips will help you achieve more impressive and cohesive results:

  1. Embrace your vision
  2. Before you start expanding an image, take a moment to picture the desired result in your mind. Having a clear picture in mind will guide your choices and help you create more intentional, impactful expansions. Think about the story you want to tell or the emotion you want to evoke with the expanded image.
  3. Consistent-themed prompts
  4. When providing instructions to the AI, ensure your prompts maintain a consistent theme with the original image. This helps create a seamless expansion that looks natural and cohesive. Consider elements like color palette, style, and mood to maintain harmony between the original and expanded parts.
  5. Leverage editing tools
  6. Do not hesitate to fine-tune your expanded images using additional editing tools. For example, Dreamina provides a suite of AI-powered features to help you perfect your expansions. These tools can assist with tasks such as adjusting lighting through Retouch, refining details with Upscale, or even adding new elements using Inpaint.
  7. Choose the right ratio
  8. Selecting the appropriate aspect ratio for your expanded image is very important. Consider where and how the image will be used – whether for social media, print, or web design. The right ratio ensures your expanded image looks great on its intended platform and conveys your message effectively.

Extended creations showcase (Powered by Dreamina)

1. My Altay Girl

Extension prompts: snow, woods, sunny day

My Altay Girl

2. World's Corner

Extension prompts: skies, mountain hill, road

World's Corner

3. Afternoon Street

Extension prompts: a rustic, sunlit street, old stone buildings with weathered façades, afternoon sunlight

Afternoon Street

4. Meadow Vibe

Extension prompts: a large fallen log in a lush, sunlit meadow, warm, golden light of the setting sun

Meadow Vibe

5. Pixel World

Extension prompts: imaginative pixelated world, pixelated castles, large pixelated balloons

Pixel World


In this guide, we've looked at the exciting world of AI-expanding image technology, from understanding what it is to how it's used in various fields. We've walked through the easy steps to expand images using Dreamina and shared some helpful tips to get the best results. However, no matter how magic AI expansion turns out to be, it only shows magic when you try it. So, let's head over to Dreamina now and expand your images in a refreshing fashion.


  1. How do I expand a photo background?
  2. Expanding a photo background is easier now than ever with AI-powered tools like Dreamina. All you have to do is: upload your image to Dreamina's Canvas, click on “Expand,” add a simple prompt, click Expand again, and then let the AI work its magic.
  3. Is there a free AI image extender?
  4. Yes, the Dreamina AI image extender offers 150 credits daily for free, allowing for up to 50 image expansions for every user. Powered by advanced AI algorithms, Dreamina is perfect for anyone looking to explore the possibilities of AI image expansion or those with occasional expansion needs. Want to try image expansion for free? Visit Dreamina today!
  5. How long does AI take to expend a photo?
  6. The time required to AI-expand photos can vary based on factors such as image size, complexity, and the specific AI tool used. However, most modern AI image expanders, including Dreamina, can process images in just seconds to a few minutes—much faster than traditional manual editing methods. Want to see how fast it works? Head over to Dreamina and expand your first image now!
  7. What are the benefits of using AI image extenders?
  8. AI image extenders offer a range of benefits, including time savings, cost-efficiency, and the ability to create high-quality expanded images without advanced editing skills. They let you repurpose existing images for different formats, enhance the visual appeal of your content, and unlock creative possibilities that were once difficult or impossible to achieve. With tools like Dreamina, you can quickly adapt images for various platforms, create more immersive visual experiences, and consistently produce professional-looking results. Curious to experience these benefits firsthand? Explore Dreamina and discover your preferred niche.
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