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How to Blend 2 Images in Photoshop Like a Pro: 3 Easy Methods

Learn how to blend photos in Photoshop with simple steps, such as adjusting layer opacity, using blend modes, and applying masks. For an even easier option, try Dreamina’s AI-powered blender for quick, stunning results in just seconds!

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Blend 2 images in photoshop
0 min(s)

Looking for a quick way to blend 2 images in Photoshop? In this guide, we’ll walk you through some of the 3 easiest and most effective methods to blend images using Photoshop, ensuring your compositions look natural and visually striking. But that’s not all—if you’re after an even faster solution, we’ll also introduce Dreamina, an innovative AI-powered tool that delivers seamless blends in seconds. Let's dive in.

Table of content

Blend two photos in Photoshop using layer opacity

Blending two images together in Photoshop using layer opacity is one of the straightforward techniques. By adjusting the opacity slider, you can control the transparency of each layer, allowing you to create smooth transitions between images. Now that you understand this knack, follow the steps below to blend photos in Photoshop.

  1. Upload both images to Photoshop
  2. Before you can begin blending photos in Photoshop, you'll have to first add them to Photoshop. To do that, simply open Photoshop on your PC, click on "File," then "Open," and select the images you want to add.
    How to add background photo to Photoshop
  4. Step
  5. Adjust the opacity of the top layer
  6. After uploading both images, you'll notice that the opacity value (for both images) is set to 100% by default in the layers tab. That means that they are opaque (i.e., not transparent).
  7. To make the top image (or layer) transparent, you'll have to reduce its opacity value. Simply click on the top image, then go to the layers tab, and click the arrow button to adjust the value.
    The opacity value on Photoshop
  9. For example, you can adjust the top layer’s value to 65%. That means you are making the top layer 65% opaque and the bottom (or background) layer, 35% transparent. By doing that, you can achieve the blending effect you are looking for.
    The opacity slider on Photoshop
  11. Step
  12. Fine-tune the blend
  13. If you think taking the top image to 65% isn't giving you the blending you need, then you can adjust it further. Experiment with different values (20%, 35%, 40%, etc) to see how it affects the overall image. Continue tweaking the opacity value until you achieve your desired blend effect.
    Adjust the opacity slider to get the desired effect

Blend two photos together in Photoshop using layer blend modes

Blending images in Photoshop using layer blend modes is a powerful way to create unique textures and artistic effects. Unlike layer opacity, blend modes change how layers interact, allowing for effects like darkening, lightening, or enhancing colors. The steps are simple—here's how to blend two images in Photoshop:

  1. Upload both images to Photoshop
  2. First, you'll have to open the Photoshop app, click on "File," then "Open," and select a photo from your device. You can now proceed to add a second image by dragging and dropping the image on the background photo.
    Upload both images to Photoshop
  4. Step
  5. Select blend mode
  6. With both images uploaded to Photoshop, it's now time to try out blend modes. The blend modes option can be found under the "Layers" tab directly beside the opacity value, and by default, it's set to "Normal."
    Blend mode set to "Normal" by default
  8. Like the 100% opacity value, Normal simply means that the top layer is not blending with the background layer (or the layer below it). To change that, click on the drop-down icon beside "Normal" to open a menu of different blend modes you can choose from.
    Blend modes menu on Photoshop
  10. Some of the most popular blend modes you can try on your project are "Multiply," "Screen," and "Overlay." For example, if you choose "Multiply," you should immediately be able to see the blend effect without adjusting anything.
    The "Multiply" blend mode effect on Photoshop
  12. The "Multiply" effect basically produces a darker effect overall while the opposite "Screen" produces a much brighter (or lighter) effect. While the "Overlay" blends both images together by increasing the overall contrast.
    The "Overlay" blend mode effect on Photoshop
  14. Step
  15. Adjust the opacity for subtle effects
  16. Now, if you want added control over the blending, then you can also try adjusting the opacity value of the top image. This way, you'll be able to better fine-tune your chosen blend mode to achieve a perfect blend of both images - one that suits the design in your mind and is more visually appealing.
    Adjust the opacity value to get your desired blend

Blend two pictures in Photoshop using a layer mask

Blending two pictures in Photoshop using a layer mask is a common method for blending images. Unlike the layer opacity or blend modes, which affect the entire image, a layer mask allows you to reveal or hide parts of a layer selectively. To do that, follow the easy steps outlined below:

  1. Upload both images to Photoshop
  2. Before you can use Photoshop’s layer mask to blend your photos, you need to upload two photos as two different layers. First, click on "File," then "Open," and select the photo you want as the background. Once that's taken care of, drag and drop the second image to add it as a different layer.
    Add both images to Photoshop
  4. Step
  5. Add a layer mask
  6. Before you can add a layer mask, make sure that the top layer is selected. Once you have done that, click the "Add layer mask" icon at the bottom right corner of your layer panel. Immediately after you do that, a layer mask thumbnail will appear beside the selected layer (i.e., the top layer you selected earlier).
  7. Layer masks work on a black-and-white model. In this model, any part of the layer where the layer mask is filled with white remains visible. While, any part of the layer that's filled with black becomes hidden (or opaque).
     Add a layer mask to the top photo
  9. Step
  10. Use gradients or brushes to blend
  11. If you choose to use the layer mask method to blend your images, it then means that you want certain parts to be visible and the other parts hidden. And to achieve that, you need to draw a black to white gradient on the layer mask. To do that, you need a gradient tool. Select the gradient tool from the toolbar, and in the options bar, click the drop-down arrow next to the gradient swatch to open the gradient picker.
    Open the gradient picker

Now choose the black-to-white gradient (just double-click it to pick it). Next, make sure that the layer mask thumbnail is highlighted. If you are not sure, click on it, and you will see a white border around it. Next, click on the image and draw out the black-to-white gradient.

Remember that black hides the part of the layer where it covers while white reveals it. So, for example, if you want the right side of your image to be visible and you want to hide the left side, click on the right side and drag towards the left. This step is important because a black-to-white gradient starts with black and ends with white.

 Apply the black-to-white gradient

Pros & cons of using Photoshop to blend two images together

Blending images in Photoshop offers a wide range of creative possibilities, but it's important to weigh the pros and cons before diving in. While Photoshop provides advanced tools and precise control for blending, it also comes with a few challenges. Let’s take a closer look at the advantages and drawbacks:

  • Precision and control: Photoshop gives you complete control over how your images blend. Whether you want subtle transitions or bold effects, you can fine-tune every detail to get the exact look you want.
  • Professional quality output: With Photoshop, you can create professional-quality blends that look polished and seamless.
  • Advanced blending tools: With options like layer opacity, blend modes, and layer masks, Photoshop offers a variety of ways to blend images. This versatility makes it suitable for almost any blending project, from simple overlays to complex composites.
  • Non-destructive editing: Photoshop’s blending methods allow you to make adjustments without permanently altering your original images.

  • Steep learning curve: Photoshop is a powerful tool, but it can be overwhelming for beginners. Learning how to use its blending features effectively might take some time, especially if you're new to photo editing.
  • Cost consideration: Photoshop only has a free trial, and once the trial is over, a subscription is required. The cost ($22.99 per month) might be a drawback if you're looking for a quick, cost-free solution to blend images.
  • Time-consuming: While Photoshop offers precise control, it can also be more time-consuming than simpler tools. Depending on the complexity of the blend you're trying to achieve, it may take a while to get the perfect result.

Easy alternative: Discover the magic of Dreamina AI blender

If Photoshop feels too complex or time-consuming, Dreamina's AI Blender is a quick and efficient alternative. With its user-friendly design, you can blend images seamlessly in just a few clicks without expertise. In that way, Dreamina's Blend tool is perfect for daily scenarios like creating social media content, designing personalized invitations, or crafting stunning presentations. Whether you're a beginner or need a fast solution, Dreamina AI photo editor provides professional-looking results with one click.

Dreamina's AI Blender

Guide to quick blend images with Dreamina

Learn how to blend images quickly with Dreamina. Click the button below to get started:

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  1. Upload the pictures
  2. On Dreamina's homepage, click on the "Canvas" button.
    The "Canvas" button on Dreamina
  4. On the canvas editor, click on "Upload image" to upload the images or simply drag and drop the images on the canvas.
    Drag and drop the second image to upload it
  6. Step
  7. Blend pictures
  8. For seamless blending, you can start by removing the background: Click on the image with the background, then tap on the "Remove background" icon. When you do that, Dreamina's AI will automatically identify the subject in your image and shade it. Preview the effect and then click "Remove background."
    Dreamina's "Remove background" window
  10. With the background taken off your photo, you can now blend both photos. To blend images on Dreamina's canvas, click on the "Blend" tool.
    The "Blend" tool on Dreamina
  12. Next, select the background image (sky) and the foreground image (the girl). Adjust the foreground intensity. You can also add a prompt to generate a desired effect. For example, "4K, warm, clear, harmonious shades." When you are done, click "Generate" and let the AI handle the rest, which will bring you four different results. Choose a particular effect you like and click on "Done."
    The blended effect
  14. Step
  15. Save
  16. Saving the merged photos on Dreamina is easy as well. Simply click on the "Export" button found in the top right corner of your screen. Then, choose the file type (JPEG or PNG), size, and export settings. Finally, click "Download " to save the image on your device.
    The "Export settings" window

Robust AI editing features:

  1. Powerful AI inpainting: This tool lets you partially redraw images based on text prompts. It intelligently adds new elements or modifies existing parts of your photos.
  2. One-click background remover: The AI automatically detects and removes the background, saving you time and effort.
  3. HD upscaler: This free image upscaler enhances your images by improving clarity, reducing noises, and adding detail.
  4. Magic picture expander: This picture expander uses AI to analyze your image and creatively extends the ratio and the content by adding consistent elements.


In this guide, you've explored three methods to blend 2 images in Photoshop: adjusting layer opacity, using blend modes, and applying layer masks. Each technique offers unique ways to enhance creativity and control. However, while Photoshop provides advanced tools and a comprehensive interface for precise editing, it also has its drawbacks. Its complex, time-consuming workflow and high subscription costs can deter many users. That's why we here introduce Dreamina as an easy alternative. No more expertise, no more page-long guide; simplify uploading your images, click Blend, and tell AI your expectations. With seconds, you can get the desired result. Let's head over to Dreamina and make blending go like a dream.


  1. How quickly to blend two photos together in Photoshop?
  2. Blending two photos in Photoshop can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour, depending on your skill level and the complexity of the images. Beginners might need 15–30 minutes, while experienced users can finish in 5–10 minutes. But if you want to save time, try Dreamina. With its one-click blender, even a novice in photography can blend images in seconds. Visit Dreamina today and experience easy AI blending.
  3. How do you blend two exposures in Photoshop?
  4. To blend two exposures in Photoshop, you typically start by layering your images, then using layer masks to reveal or hide parts of each exposure. You can also adjust the opacity of layers or use blend modes like "Lighten" or "Screen" to combine the best parts of each exposure. If that sounds complicated, don't worry! Dreamina's AI can blend exposures automatically, giving you perfect results every time. Visit Dreamina today and blend exposures with a few clicks.
  5. How to blend two faces together in Photoshop?
  6. Blending faces in Photoshop involves using layer masks, the liquify tool, and careful adjustments to match skin tones and features. It's a detailed process that requires practice to get right. You'll need to align the faces, mask out areas you want to keep from each image, and then carefully blend the edges. It sounds a little complex; if you want an easier way, you can resort to Dreamina. Its AI can blend faces seamlessly, creating natural-looking results in a few clicks. Discover Dreamina and see the AI magic for yourself.
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